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  • Our Sprinta Plus pool cleaner scoops Aussie consumer award

    We're excited to announce that our Sprinta Plus pool cleaner has been recognised for excellence by winning a 2024 ProductReview.com.au Award. The ProductReview.com.au annual awards highlight products and services that have been well rated by the ProductReview community with an overall sentiment score applied by the ProductReview judges. ProductReview awards are prestigious because they are independent and impartial.The awards can't be influenced by advertising or sponsorships and truly represent the best products for Australian consumers. “We’re incredibly grateful to our

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  • How to care for and extend the life of your pool cleaner

    So you have an amazing, luxury oasis in your Australian backyard, that you enjoy sharing with friends and family.  But with that luxury comes the responsibility of maintaining it, including keeping the pool clean. This is where a pool cleaner comes in handy. An automatic pool cleaner is designed to make pool maintenance easier and more efficient, leaving you more time for the more important things in life. But, just like any other machine, it needs to be taken care

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  • Get your pool ready for summer: A step-by-step guide

    With school holidays here, it's time to slip in those bathers, slop on the sunscreen and jump in your backyard pool. The only problem is your swimming pool has been lying dormant for the winter! Eeek! Before you can dive in, it's important to take some time to prep your pool for the summer season. 1. Remove the Pool Cover and Clean It This will help to remove any debris or dirt that has built up on the cover over

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  • Top tips for saving money in the backyard

    Maintaining a backyard can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also be expensive, especially if you have a pool. Here are some helpful tips to help you save money on maintaining your backyard. Before you design your garden Plan your garden: Before you start planting, make a plan for your garden. This will help you decide which plants you need and how much space they will take up.Some plants may have invasive root systems which can damage

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  • Kreepy Krauly claims Australian consumer award

    We're thrilled to share, our VTX-7 pool cleaner has scooped the pool and been declared a Product Review 2023 Awards Winner! The Product Review awards are judged independently and impartially by the Product Review Data & Content Team and as such, these awards cannot be bought, nor be influenced by commercial relationships. The winners represent the best and most reliable purchasing choices available to Australian consumers in 2022. This year, there were more than 73,000 eligible nominations, for over 610

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  • Best Pool Cleaner for Leaves: Top Kreepy Krauly Picks for 2024

    Keeping your pool free of leaves is crucial for maintaining clean and safe water to swim in. Effective pool cleaners save you time and effort by automatically removing debris such as leaves, no matter their size or their amounts. Below we rank our Kreepy Kraulys in terms of being the best pool cleaner for leaves. Key Takeaways Overview of different types of Kreepy Kraulys Details on how each handles leaf loads Tips on choosing the best pool cleaner for leaves

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  • Best Pool Cleaner for Leaves: Top Kreepy Krauly Picks for 2024

  • Top 5 attractive, yet low maintenance plants to plant around your pool

  • Common (& Costly) Mistakes New Pool Owners Make

  • Kreepy Krauly launches campaign to help WA bushfire victims.


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