The shape and material of your pool will determine which Kreepy Krauly product is the best pool cleaner for you. In 4 simple steps, our pool selector will help you determine the best Kreepy Krauly for your needs.
StartThe recommended cleaners for your pool are:
Handles any pool with the ease. Sand, leaves, corners, walls are no match for this intelligent cleaner with X-over(TM) technology. The newest cleaner to the Kreepy Krauly Family. (For tiles pools, check with your local Kreepy Krauly Dealer for advise on your tile’s compatibility)
+Perfect for big pools and large leaf loads. Gently scrubs your pool daily and with superior scrubbing silicon seal for longer life. (For tiled pools you may need a Cork Sole – check with your local Kreepy Krauly dealer)
+Corners, stairs and ladders are not a problem for this cleaner. Truly set and forget. This little beauty can handle the dirtiest pools, sand and large leaves.
+Corners, stairs and ladders are not a problem for this cleaner. Truly set and forget. This little beauty can handle the dirtiest pools, sand and large leaves.
+Perfect for big pools and large leaf loads. Gently scrubs your pool daily and with superior scrubbing silicon seal for longer life. (For tiled pools you may need a Cork Sole – check with your local Kreepy Krauly dealer)
+Ideal with compact pools and light leaf loads. Sit back and let VTX-3 scrub your pool. (For tiled pools you will need a Cork Sole – check with your local Kreepy Krauly dealer.)
+Remember, if in doubt ask your pool professional.
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